I've been playing around with Art Rage lately. I hear eyes are the hardest part to draw, so I started with those. Not too bad... still have a way to go, but still not bad at all. I mean, for me anyway. A friend from work let me borrow a book on drawing manga, it's been pretty helpful. I think I am actually pretty good at drawing, I just need to learn the techniques. The book really helps me with that. I think I am going to shift over to inanimate objects for a bit, just so I don't get bored. I also, want to come back to eyes later with a fresh mind.
The picture of Ciri came out REALLY orange. It wasn't like that until I saved it into a JPEG. For some reason (i'm guessing the compression) messed with the colors. When I was drawing her, she was more pink than orange. I like the set of two blue eyes, it came out pretty well shaded. The eyes are close together, but still a good attempt. The green eye was a failed attempt at a more realistic approach to the eye. Yea, still need a lot of work. Ok, well, there's another big storm overhead, and it's time for bed. TGIF, though. Oh yeah, tomorrow is happy iPhone day! Ooo.... Just thought of a post for tomorrow... Heh heh. Ok, G'night, all.