Ciriana says that I turned her on to Linkin Park on our first date. At first I didn't really like them until I listened to the lyrics. My problem with music is that all I can hear is the melody; I can never distinguish the words. I liked the musical parts of their songs, but the words I did hear kind of kept me at a distance. When I finally focused my attention on what they were saying I enjoyed the music more. It also taught me a very important life lesson, as corny as this sounds: never pass judgment until you have all the information. I said to others that they were a stupid band and that it's not music, but when I actually listened, I realized that I had assumed that their "sound" was destructive.
Well, anyway, now they are one of my favorite bands, and Ciri really likes them too. We went out and bought the CD a couple of weeks ago and I use it to get me going in the morning. Ciriana is gone by the time I have to get up and I am not an early person, so I need music (I don't do coffee). I have my computer streaming music to my Wii via Jinzora, so I can listen to all my music from downstairs. I have my little playlist of songs for the morning and Minutes to Midnight is one of the first albums on there.
Yea, so I just wanted to say that I like the new CD.