I love audio stuff: It's my vice. I can't really afford the stuff I really want (Klipsch Reference Series... our love was not meant to be...), but I can still get stuff that sounds great. Ciriana got me a Klipsch Synergy series subwoofer, and it's been a lot of fun. I bought some Yamaha speakers at the BX in Germany when I moved out there, and I think they are very close to the rest of the Klipsch Synergy series. Right now I still have old Sony speakers for the fronts and center... and they will remain in their current service until I all my other projects are done... sigh. One thing I definitely think I will not compromise on are headphones.
I needed some headphones for work when I do video recording for classes, so they bought me some Sennheiser HD 280's and all I could do was squeel like a school girl. Best. Headphones. Ever. Don't give me that Bose crap; good headphones can noise cancel the natural way without introducing stray sound waves. Anyway, add the HD 280's to the Christmas wishlist, cause until I get some new front speakers, this is how I want to listen to music! Oh, look at that, listening to the pair from work now! Mmm... they sound so good, I could eat them.