My first Moleskine was a sketchbook with the thick slightly yellowish pages. I love that notebook, but I felt it was too nice for daily stuff. Target has some of their Moleskines on clearence so I picked up a pocket lined and a regular lined notebook. I also pre-ordered Lego branded plain Moleskine when they were announced. I realized something in the past month... Moleskine's paper quality sucks.
I've been using my Lego Moleskine for a month now - jotting ideas, keeping project notes, sketches, et al. I use a Pilot V5 pen and I borrowed a friends fountain pen too - both leak through the page enough that I can't use the back page.
My lined notebook from Target is slightly better, but not by much.
I don't get it. This is what Picasso used? I'm being sarcastic, I know the two products are not the same. Still, it's frustrating to find out that these wonderful notebook's use sub-par paper. I'm bummed. Partly because I love the form factor and the simplicity and the ubiquitousness of the notebooks. But mostly because now I have to finish the notebook before I try something else.
This website has been helpful with researching my new future notebook.