It takes years to develop and refine a skill. It takes longer still to fix a character flaw or improve a virtue. People have proven that, with proper focus, you can turn your life around. The goal is not to change but to build discipline or values that didn't exist, or barely existed, before.
Current thought...
Intense focus on something new for one year. Immerse yourself in that thing totally. Live it. Breathe it. Allow it to consume you... then drop it after a year and move on to the next thing.
Visualize that next year of your life with a singular goal: master this new thing. Living that year without this new thing would mean death to you. It is just one thing but it is the only thing.
What effects could this have on how you think? Or how you react to situations? The "thing" can be anything. Sewing, living in a foreign country, hermitic life, underground street fighting - something opposite to who you are or something scary.
Whatever it is, I wonder how much improvement we would see in ourselves with pure and complete focus.