I don’t like gyms, but I never knew why until today. Today was my first day doing CrossFit. Let me first get my thoughts out on CrossFit before I explain my discovery.
CrossFit is bad ass {#crossfitisbadass}
Specifically, the trainer we had. She was amazing. She was empathetic yet assertive; firm yet encouraging.
I assume that this level of personal trainer is on par with many types of gyms, not specific to CrossFit “boxes” (Ohhhh, look at me! Fancy jargon in effect!). Still, she was very helpful in pointing out problems with my form during the different styles of squats. My flat-ish feet are a big problem, for example, which cause me to not push my knees outward. This attention to form will help me better myself safely and efficiently and it’s an encouraging aspect of the environment.
The workout itself, though, doesn’t feel like it’s my thing. I was trying to explain this to Ciri and I think I have it right now:
I need to solve problems.
That’s why I love climbing so much. Or trail running. I haven’t done MoveNat or Parkour, but these styles are more my thing. I like the idea of navigating terrain, there is a certain strategy and mindset involved with getting from point A to point B efficiently and quickly.
Form is important in many, if not all workouts. Ciri believes that the act of keeping good form during extremely difficult workouts will help keep my mind engaged.
She’s probably right.
In case she isn’t, though, I like that CrossFit will help me improve my fitness to a level where I can venture out to other things like climbing and parkour. These are activities that I’ve wanted to do for so long but lacked the fitness to do so and enjoy them. Actually, I was climbing for a while until I switched to CrossFit with Ciri, but I sucked at climbing. My point is, I need to start somewhere. Might as well do it where community is an integral part of the workout.
Cover Image {#coverimage}
We took this image at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Jelly Fish are neat little creatures for many reasons. I really like watching them propel themselves through the water, almost effortlessly. Just how I would like to move.