Tag: Architecture

I love slides.




via Turett Collaborative Architects.

Shipping Container home: Blue Guest House



The more designs I see for small living spaces based on shipping containers, the more I want to start building my own refuge in the backyard.

via Tiny House Blog...

Dream home – color, slides, and trapdoors.



This one seems to be very popular on the interwebs. I saw it a week or so ago and it is spreading quickly and for good reason. Tell me you're not smiling and that...

Own a piece of Ferris Bueller, well the movie anyway…



Our garage was rarely used for cars - it was a huge storage closet.  It wasn't until I saw this movie that I realized what a garage could be  - and not just in terms...

My Hermit Home.

Since we became home owners, one of my dreams has been to build a small shed in the back that acts as a small workspace / quiet observation area.  As I started researching...